On the eve of my first flight, before I knew which variant of the 737 I would fly on, I read the 737 manual and familiarized myself with the characteristics of all the variants. I made the following deductions and pondered how many of them would turn to be true.
There was a 35/54 chance that I would be on a 737-800. Source : Wikipedia
The aircraft would have both I class and Economy Class. Reason : Andaman & Nicobar islands are a place where only the middle class and rich people could go and so the plane will have to have both classes.
The plane would have cramped spaces. Source : 737 Specifications from its manual.
I would feel nothing while flying. Reason : I am on a plane and flying! That is what people say.
I would see other planes flying under or over my plane. Reason : Madras Airport is a fairly busy airport.
What happened to my deductions...
I was on a 737-800(VT-JGP). Probability works!
The plane had both I class and Economy class.
The plane was cramped like a bus. The overhead storage spaces were big though and there was good legroom.
How wrong I was! I discovered something very peculiar, one that nobody who had a previous experience in flying has told me. Normally while travelling in trains or buses, one feels motion(jerk due to changes in acceleration) in one or two different directions. You may rock from side to side or forwards and backwards. Whereas in an aeroplane the jerks are in all directions! It is like hanging in space and rocking slowly in all directions. It was awesome!
I was right again. I saw a Srilankan take off immediately after mine and another plane flying under me near Marina Beach.
So overall I was correct in all but one deductions. That is neat for a first-time traveller.
Some of the pictures of the aircraft VT-JGP. Taken by others. I have a video that I will post later.

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