no clue.. sand storm??
events happening eh! u should hav framed it better :P1)the clouds were moving2)u were breathing 3)many more annoying things to me a juice...that will do :)
and yeah, on clicking the image , the name of the image appears :)
Here are the scores.Nitin : 0/10.0A useless zero.sandoz : 10.0/10.0It was indeed a "full-blown" sandstorm as seen from the balcony in IIT Delhi. Full points for you. How can I buy you lunch? :) Can I email it?
totally unfair...
Evidently I am a big fool.Because (evidently) I named the file sandstorm_lowres.jpgBut evidently the lunch offer still holds.@nitin: Most evidently you are an even greater fool than I am.
no doubt that am a greater fool than u r...why doubt it why scribbling it here !!!:D
I will be home in a couple for months!!
Genial fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
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no clue.. sand storm??
events happening eh! u should hav framed it better :P
1)the clouds were moving
2)u were breathing
3)many more annoying things to mention.
buy me a juice...that will do :)
and yeah, on clicking the image , the name of the image appears :)
Here are the scores.
Nitin : 0/10.0
A useless zero.
sandoz : 10.0/10.0
It was indeed a "full-blown" sandstorm as seen from the balcony in IIT Delhi. Full points for you. How can I buy you lunch? :) Can I email it?
totally unfair...
Evidently I am a big fool.
Because (evidently) I named the file sandstorm_lowres.jpg
But evidently the lunch offer still holds.
@nitin: Most evidently you are an even greater fool than I am.
no doubt that am a greater fool than u r...
why doubt it why scribbling it here !!!
I will be home in a couple for months!!
Genial fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
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